Arts-Based Research Bibliography // An (always in process) list of books/articles relevant to arts-based research; Hosted by ABR Studio, University of Alberta.
RESEAU HEXAGRAM: What is Research-Creation? // Hosted by Hexagram -- an international network dedicated to research-creation in the fields of media arts, design, technology and digital culture.
The Pedagogical Impulse // Overview & list of research-creation publications by educational researchers.
Research Catalogue: An International Database for Artistic Research // The RC functions as a platform for the dissemination of self-published content as well as peer-reviewed publications; Hosted by Society for Artistic Research.
The SHARE Network // This bibliography and overview was compiled originally for the final publication of the artesnetEurope Thematic Network, Peer Power! The Future of Higher Arts Education in Europe (ELIA / NATFA 2010); Hosted by Step-change for Higher Arts Research and Education.
Tactile Academia Bibliography // A list of useful references that have influenced and informed work and research of the Tactile Academia group. Tactile Academia is about exploring ways of teaching and learning in Higher Education – particularly, but not exclusively, in Art, Media and Design.
Art & Research: A Journal of Ideas, Contexts and Methods
Journal for Artistic Research // The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an international, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal that disseminates artistic research from all disciplines.
MaHKUscript: Journal of Fine Art Research // MaHKUscript. Journal of Fine Art Research is a peer-reviewed international platform for artists, curators, theorists, research students and educators who consciously integrate research in their working practice.
INFLeXions: A Journal for Research-Creation // Inflexions is an open-access journal for research-creation sponsored by the Sense Lab. It publishes articles, short texts of various genres including poetry and ficto-theory, images, sound, and other multimedia content.
Intonations // An online peer-reviewed graduate journal that strives for an interdisciplinary focus both within the various domains of the Fine Arts and across other academic fields in the arts, humanities, and sciences (University of Alberta).
PARSE (Platform for Artistic Research Sweden) Journal // PARSE is a research publishing platform committed to the movement back and forth between analysis and creation, between meaning-making and the analytics of meaning, between construction and re-construction.
RACAR // RACAR is published by the Universities Art Association of Canada (UAAC) and reflects the range and diversity of art history practices in Canada and internationally.
Andersson, E. (2009). Fine science and social arts-on common grounds and necessary boundaries of two ways to produce meaning. Art & Research (Spring) 2(2).
Anderwald, R., Feyertag, K., & Grond, L. (2018). Dizziness—A Resource: Dizziness and the compossible space in research-creation. Emotion, Space and Society, 28, 122–130.
Bath, Jon. (2019). Artistic Research Creation for Publicly Engaged Scholarship. KULA, (1).
Beier, J. & Wallin, J. (2017). The Disappeared Future of Arts-Based Research, Pts. I-VI: Towards a Reality-Without-Givenness. In What is Art Education? Essays After Deleuze and Guattari, edited by j. jagodzinksi, 239-266. London/New York: Palgrave McMillan.
Biggs, I. (2016). Art as Research, Doctoral Education, and the Politics of Knowledge. engage, 18, 6-11.
Chapman, O. & Sawchuk, K. (2012). Research-Creation: Intervention, analysis and ‘Family Resemblances.’ Canadian Journal of Communication, 37, 5-26.
Chapman, O., & Sawchuk, K. (2015). Creation-as-Research: Critical Making in Complex Environments. RACAR: Revue D'art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 40(1), 49-52.
Fisher, C. (2015). Mentoring Research-Creation: Secrets, Strategies, and Beautiful Failures. RACAR: Revue d’art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 40(1), 46
Garoian, C. R. (2006). Art practice as research: Inquiry in the visual arts by Graeme Sullivan. Studies in Art Education, 43(1), 108–112.
Horowitz, R. (2014). Introduction: As if from nowhere... artists’ thoughts about research-creation. RACAR: Revue d’art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 39(1), 25.
jagodzinski, j. (2007). Without title: On the impossibility of art education: Art as becoming-posthuman [Gaitskell Address, Nov. 24, 2006). Canadian Journal of Education Through Art, 5(2), 6–15.
jagodzinski, j. (2010). Visual art and its education in designer capitalism: Deconstructing the oral eye. London and New York: Palgrave McMillan.
jagodzinski, J., & Wallin, J. J. (2013). Arts-based Research : A Critique and a Proposal. Rotterdam: Brill | Sense.
Leavy, P. (2009). Method meets art: Arts-based research practice. New York: Guilford Press
Loveless, N.S. (Editor). (2019). Knowing & Knots: Methodologies and Ecologies in Research-Creation. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Press.
Loveless, N.S. (2019). How to make art at the end of the world : A manifesto for research-creation. Duke University Press.
Loveless, N.S. (2015). Introduction. RACAR: Revue D'art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 40(1), 41-42.
Loveless, N. S .(2015). Towards a Manifesto on Research-Creation. RACAR XL, 1, 52-54.
Loveless, N. S. (2012). Practice in the Flesh of Theory: Art, Research, and the Fine Arts PhD. Canadian Journal of Communication, 37(1), 93–108.
Lowry, G. (2015). Props to Bad Artists: On Research-Creation and a Cultural Politics of University-Based Art. RACAR: Revue D'art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 40(1), 42-46.
Manning, E. (2016). The minor gesture. Duke University Press.
Manning E. (2016) Ten Propositions for Research-Creation. In: Colin N., Sachsenmaier S. (eds) Collaboration in Performance Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, London
Macleod, K. & Holdridge, L., Eds. (2006). Thinking through art: Reflections on art as research. London and New York: Routledge.
McNiff, S. (1998). Art-based research. London: Jessica Kingsley Publisher
Mouffe, C. (2007). Artistic activism and agonistic spaces. Art and Research: A Journal of Ideas, Contexts and Methods, 1(2) (summer).
Picard-Aitken, M. & Bertrand, F. (2008). Review and Conceptualization of Impacts of Research/Creation in the Fine Arts: Final Report. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 29 September 2008, http:// artsFinalE.p
Piccini, A. & Kershaw, B. (2004). Practice as research in performance: From epistemology to evaluation. Digital Creativity, 15(2), 86-92.
Salter, C., & Pickering, A. (2015). Alien agency: Experimental encounters with art in the making. The MIT Press.
Springgay, S., & Truman, S. E. (2019). Counterfuturisms and speculative temporalities: walking research-creation in school. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 32(6), 547–559.
Springgay, S. & Rotas. N. (2015). How Do You Make a Classroom Operate Like a Work of Art? Deleuzeguattarian Methodologies of Research-Creation. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 28(5), 552-572.
St.Hilaire E. (2018). Who Should Care About Responsible Conduct of Research in Research-Creation? RACAR: Revue d’art Canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 43(1), 25.
Sullivan, G. (2005). Art practice as research: Inquiry in the visual arts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Sullivan, G. (2006). Research acts in art practice. Studies in Art Education, 48(1), 19-35.
Thain, A. (2008). Affective commotion: Minding the gap in research-creation. Inflexions, 1(1), 1–12.