visual activism (seminar)

Tuesday, October 11
1:30 – 3:30 pm

white sight (seminar)

Wednesday, October 12
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

white sight and the strike against white reality

Thursday, October 13
5:15 pm
FAB 2–20
University of Alberta

“White supremacy is not only perpetuated by laws and police but also by a distinctive, racialized visual culture. In this talk, I first analyze how white sight has made a white reality by combining ways of seeing with specific infrastructures of whiteness, including monuments and museums. I then focus on how the ongoing strike against this projection can both learn from past tactics and invent new ways to make another world visible in art, activism, and anticolonial social movements.”

— Nicholas Mirzoeff


Dr. Mirzoeff’s visit is co-sponsored by the Killam Distinguished Visitor Fund and a Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) Dialogue Grant.

Nicholas Mirzoeff is a visual activist, working at the intersection of politics, race and global/visual culture. In 2020-21 he was ACLS/Mellon Scholar and Society fellow in residence at the Magnum Foundation, New York.

His new book White Sight: Visual Politics and Practices of Whiteness is forthcoming from MIT Press in early 2023.

Book cover image credit Claire Fontaine, White Sight (2022). Courtesy of the artist. Photo credit: Jakob Dietrich