
The Social Justice and Research-Creation CoLABoratory’s featured scholars and recent projects.


interview with tom rice

Tom Rice is a multi-media artist working in drawing, painting, video and performance. He received a BFA from the Tyler School of Art and a MFA from the University of Georgia. In 2019 he was awarded a Fulbright Canada Research Chair in the Arts and Humanities at the University of Alberta. He has also received fellowships from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Ox Bow and the Ragdale Foundation. His honors include the Lucasse Fellowship for Excellence in Creative Work awarded by Kalamazoo College and other prizes. Among his commissioned works are pieces for the Xerox Corporation and the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial. His work has been exhibited at the Fire House Art Center, University of Wisconsin, South Bend Regional Museum of Art, the Fort Wayne Museum of Art, the Kalamazoo Institute of Art, the Lansing Art Gallery, the Arkansas Arts Center, the Art Academy of Cincinnati, and the Kresge Art Museum.

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<immune nations> research-creation at the intersection of vaccine science and global health policy

New edited journal issue on the multi-year, interdisciplinary, collaborative research-creation project <Immune Nations>

Co-led by Natalie Loveless, Steven J. Hoffman, and Sean Caulfield, the project culminated a high-profile exhibition at the United Nations during the 2017 World Health Assembly.

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