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Skill-Building Sound Explorations with Sound Artist Raylene Campbell (TBC)

"Raylene Campbell is a sound artist who embraces various creative practices including improvisation, composition, performance art, sound and image, public intervention, and Deep Listening. She studied/worked as a freelance artist in New York and Montreal from 2000 to 2009, has a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts at Bard College, and taught in the Department of Music at Concordia University. The focus of Raylene’s creative process involves explorations of acoustic ecology, psychogeography, computer interactive technology, and audience interactivity in both performance and installation environments. Raylene is currently based in Edmonton.

Raylene’s improvised performance is built on a search for subtle sound textures, mixing instrumental samples and found sound, performed with Ableton Live and Therevox. Raylene gently moves into chosen sonic spaces and takes time exploring and experimenting with the emerging materials of the improvisational moment.

Check out Raylene’s Bandcamp page to hear her recent work and her Soundcloud page to hear her older work."